Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mountains, y'all. Mountains!

In my dream world, I'd one day get married in Gatlinburg, TN. I grew up going there every year for either Easter or Thanksgiving, and it's a second home. Not to mention it's flippin' beautiful! Some people are beach people, some are mountain people. I am the latter. Maybe I should do a feature on beach weddings someday.

Right!? Preacher's House is just a couple miles from the place I grew up vacationing. Doesn't get much more beautiful than that.

Anytime I see a mountain wedding, I'm smitten. The mountains provide a more gorgeous back drop then any human designer could think up. I stumbled upon this wedding in California the other day and fell in love, so I went out and found a couple more mountain weddings to share. Enjoy!

Holman Ranch, CA

Agassiz, British Columbia

Boulder City, NV

Lake Louise, Alberta

Parkdale, OR

Ugh. I love the mountains so much.
Are you more of a beach person or a mountain person?

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